Just a little something to help you through the weekend!
A new word game involving Word Verification words and what they might mean. Is anyone tired of those word verifications required for posting comments? Why not play a fun game where we you get to define the possible meaning of those words and use them in a sentence of your own creation?
bisceree (noun) The crumbs from a biscuit. Usually used to describe the debris of an attempt to eat a very crumbly biscuit while balancing a cup of tea on your knee in posh company.
He smiled self-consciously as he tried to hide the biscaree spilling from his lap onto the Persian rug.
Well done Scriptor Senex!
putiones [pl. noun POO-shon-es]
A small chocolate cookie sprinkled with flakes of sweetened shredded coconut. Usually served at baby showers and wakes.
Mmmmm, these putiones are delicious, sorry about your loss.
Mmmmm, these putiones are wonderful, when is your due date?
I really liked this one Marin!
firdra: the dandruff of a Christmas tree
"Can you lift your legs up please? I have to vaccuum all the firdra that fell off during the night!"
calymed [noun]
Over (or under) the counter medication available only in Baja Calyfornia.
"Honey, did you pick up my calymed today when you were south of the border?
Tranter (noun)
the tool used to replace ripped diaphrams in positive diaplacement pumps.
He extended the tranter over the diaphram lip and pulled, before he realized he hadn't closed the intake valve. By then it was too late.