Lets start the week off on the right foot!
A new word game involving Word Verification words and what they might mean. Is anyone tired of those word verifications required for posting comments? Why not play a fun game where we you get to define the possible meaning of those words and use them in a sentence of your own creation?
Tenesse (tee' Nesee)colloq.
An expression used by cattle ranchers, however only in the state of South Dakota, as an alternative to "Woa Nellie".
Jumping on the calf and quickly tying the frightened animals legs with rope, the Cowboy exclaimed, "Tenesse, settle down now little feller I'm not gonna hurt ya".
You Guys are setting the standard very high!
tenesse (te - NESS, noun) -- Alternate form of tennis for the terminally couch-potatofied; it's played with no net, lightweight rackets with heads 3 feet across and a styrofoam ball with the opponents sprawled in facing recliners 4 feet apart. The first player having to get up to retrieve a ball that he has missed or misdirected beyond the field of play loses.