Thursday's Photo
And then one morning you woke up and noticed a strange thing happened when
you hit the esc. key on your keyboard...
8 years ago
A new word game involving Word Verification words and what they might mean. Is anyone tired of those word verifications required for posting comments? Why not play a fun game where we you get to define the possible meaning of those words and use them in a sentence of your own creation?
Allywhi (n) A colloquial term for a three year old child.
Allywhi (v) A colloquial term for constantly asking nagging questions.
"I am so glad you are home. I've been driven up the wall today. Ginny has done nothing but allywhi all day long."
sofactic (adj., so FAK tik) -- A response to a question that is heavily laden with unnecessary factual information.
Ex.: When I asked Matilda if she liked lasagna, she responded with a sofactic answer that included a virtually complete history of her encounters and relationship with Italian cuisine. A simple "No" would have sufficed.