Saturday, November 15, 2008

Welcome to my bolg!

Welcome, Becki, Beth, Sam, Heather, Sandra to my Blog. I'm getting some good laughs from your definitions and usages. I look forward to many more...keep 'em comning! Tell your friends.

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  1. The "iStockphoto" in the middle of your smiley face adds a touch of class. Like a grill for Mr. Smiley.

    unelv [transitive verb] Derived from Middleearthish.
    The paramount punishment meted upon misbehaving inhabitants of Lothlorien.

    Legolas was unelved after being caught using his magic powers to prey upon unsuspecting elderly elves in a phishing expedition.

  2. Nice idea for a blog! = )

    oxystod: (adj.) Able to avoid oxid.

    Great oxystod kasserolle you could buy for just US$ 19.99, and if you call now you will get a smaller one free!
