Thursday's Photo
And then one morning you woke up and noticed a strange thing happened when
you hit the esc. key on your keyboard...
8 years ago
A new word game involving Word Verification words and what they might mean. Is anyone tired of those word verifications required for posting comments? Why not play a fun game where we you get to define the possible meaning of those words and use them in a sentence of your own creation?
codete [noun]
ReplyDeleteA winner of a computer programming contest.
My friend who works for Google is such a codete. She got a blue ribbon at the XML Challenge by coding 14 new blogs from scratch in one hour.
codete (noun, co DET) -- A small cold as identified by the sufferer.
ReplyDeleteEx.: I hab a codete in my node; woud you bass me a tissue, blease?
codete (n) Stressed business person; (thought to originate from the idea that those under stress were either constantly smoking, chewing gum or consuming codeine at a great rate)
ReplyDeleteEvery Christmas the office gets so manic that everyone turns into codetes.