Monday, December 8, 2008

Mondays Wild Child!

Go crazy with this one!


  1. echobos (n. E-ko-bus)

    the sound of a hiccup

    I was trying to order my meal from the waiter, but I had to stiffle a hiccup so the echobos wouldn't disturb the other diners.

    I really like my VW... it is gicropes.

  2. Echobos [proper noun eh-KO-bose] The Ancient Greek god of caves and canyons

    In the myth of Echobos, a young girl falls in love with the voice she hears whenever she calls into a cave. For her devotion to the source of the voice, who she never sees, she is made into a stream that will flow through the cave for all of eternity.

    And my VW:
    retal [noun RE-tal] Non-discount shops during a recession

    Ann Taylor is a retal store these days for me ... there's no "I" in it.
    (Punning - the lowest form of humor, but still gets a giggle! Or at least a groan!)

  3. ech-O-bos (verb): making scary noises

    "The echobos reverberated through the Halloween gallery, causing toddlers to scream and macho males to giggle nervously."

  4. Echobos, (always plural) n: the rings that are formed when one tosses something into water.

    When John threw the gun far out into the lake, the echobos that encircled the spot where it entered the water, didn't fade until they reached the shore.

  5. echobos [noun]: The chaos formed due to mingling of echoes from various sources.
    The flock of birds in this valley took flight because it could not stand the echobos of tourists.

  6. Echobos (pronounced etch-o-bows) are a round form of pasta - rather like spaghatti hoops.

    Hurry up and finish you echobos or you won't get any double choicolate gateuex with ice cream and cream...

    (My answer may not win but I bet it makes you drool...)

  7. I bet my answer would have been even better if I had checked the typos first -
    Echobos (pronounced etch-o-bows) are a round form of pasta - rather like spaghetti hoops.

    Hurry up and finish your echobos or you won't get any double chocolate gateaux with ice cream and cream...

    (My answer may not win but I bet it makes you drool...)

  8. echobos (etch-obos) - Noun

    The beautifully handcrafted woodwind instruments with intricate engravings. Highly sought for their rich tones.

    "Could you hear the echobos in the chorus? They add so much more texture than clarinets."

  9. echobos \eck O boes\ n
    those people who insist on yelling incoherent things in a canyon just to hear their voice return to them

    Hiking the Grand Canyon would have been a much more pleasant experience if it weren't for all of the disembodied echobos shouting "Echo-o-o-o-o".
